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Body Intelligence Training: Scotland

  • The Salisbury Centre 2 Salisbury Road Edinburgh, Scotland, EH9 1QL United Kingdom (map)

Seminar 8 – The Facial Complex

Explores dynamics of the face and the special senses. Looks at how the face functions in relationship to the neurocranium, the whole body and a plethora of inter-relationships. Particularly looks at the pivotal relationship of the jaw and throat to the whole body and how it is the fulcrum for powerful physiological and psychoemotional expressions and repressions.

  • Cranial nerves & special senses

  • Motions and emotions of the face

  • Hard palette dynamics

  • The jaw and TMJ harmonics

  • Emotional entrapment and its expressions

  • Shock and the jaw

  • The pivot of the throat

  • Key joints of the lower body

  • The empathetic practitioner

  • The power of acknowledgement and non-action

  • Practice development: framing the physiology of emotion and pain, developing presence and simplicity in the treatment session

You will learn how to:

  • Recognize birth patterns in the facial complex

  • Recognize TMJ compression and its affects

  • Understand ramifications of chronic jaw tension and its affect on all systems of the body including the in particular the immune response, digestion, posture and emotional repression

  • Work with the hyoid as a natural fulcrum for the structural and emotional health of the throat

  • Be able to listen to the face as a whole and be in relationship with all the different facial tissues

  • Become more precise in your ability to name patterns of expression and their quality and direction

  • Define BCST through the spoken and written word

Click Here for More information:

22 January

7-Week Programme: Our Living Body, NI

23 April

Body College: Ireland