Seminar 8 – The Facial Complex
Explores dynamics of the face and the special senses. Looks at how the face functions in relationship to the neurocranium, the whole body and a plethora of inter-relationships. Particularly looks at the pivotal relationship of the jaw and throat to the whole body and how it is the fulcrum for powerful physiological and psychoemotional expressions and repressions.
Cranial nerves & special senses
Motions and emotions of the face
Hard palette dynamics
The jaw and TMJ harmonics
Emotional entrapment and its expressions
Shock and the jaw
The pivot of the throat
Key joints of the lower body
The empathetic practitioner
The power of acknowledgement and non-action
Practice development: framing the physiology of emotion and pain, developing presence and simplicity in the treatment session
You will learn how to:
Recognize birth patterns in the facial complex
Recognize TMJ compression and its affects
Understand ramifications of chronic jaw tension and its affect on all systems of the body including the in particular the immune response, digestion, posture and emotional repression
Work with the hyoid as a natural fulcrum for the structural and emotional health of the throat
Be able to listen to the face as a whole and be in relationship with all the different facial tissues
Become more precise in your ability to name patterns of expression and their quality and direction
Define BCST through the spoken and written word
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