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Body Intelligence Training: Germany

  • Aquariana 7d Am Tempelhofer Berg Berlin, BE, 10965 Germany (map)

Seminar 5 – Birth Dynamics

Explores how we develop in utero and the prenatal conditions for health. Craniosacral therapy can form a relationship to these early forces and facilitate a re-ordering of early affects. Looks at the process of birth and how the body shapes itself in response to this unique event.

Pre-natal experience and the psyche

  • Cranial base patterns and their resonance

  • Whole body birth shapes and posture

  • Understanding entrainment

  • Ignition processes

  • Attachment and bonding body affects

  • Relating to the transpersonal

  • Pacing and containment

  • Practice development: developing trust in body intelligence, diagnosing health and assessing change

You will learn how to:

  • Work with the vault hold (Sutherland’s hold) and modified vault hold (Becker’s hold) to explore cranial distortions.

  • Work with whole body shapes and patterns, exploring links to the cranial base and perinatal events.

  • Orient to the cranium as a fluid membrane bag, appreciating the effect of birth stages in distorting the fluid filled bag that is the baby’s cranium

  • Start to get a sense of compression, side-bending and torsion patterns.(physiological strain patterns of SBJ)

  • Start to get a sense of lateral and vertical shear patterns of the cranial base (non-physiological strain patterns of SBJ)

  • Deepen your appreciation of Long Tide through relationship to a ‘horizontal’ perceptual field

  • Deepen skills around facilitating resources, presence and understanding pacing and containment

Click Here for More Information

28 May

Body Intelligence Training: Scotland